Having effective marketing strategies can be one of the key things to boost your business. In this blog, we have 8 proven marketing strategies which can help kickstart the later half of your 2021.

Carry out as much research as possible within your market

Before you go into building any campaigns, look at your target audience and research what the demand is. Perhaps build up a survey so you can see where the demand is, and you can then use that data for future reference. Look at your competitors and analyse their most successful campaigns.

Plan the budget for your marketing

Look at planning a 12-month marketing budget to plan how much finance needs to be invested for each campaign. Tracking this is very important, allowing any potential issues within your marketing throughout the year to be addressed without going too much into your budget.

Be consistent with your branding

From beginning to end, have a clear pathway with the branding of your business. Keep clarity with the message you’re bringing across to your target audience. Have consistency with all marketing aspects, from designing to the presentation overall. Once your branding is consistent, you can then communicate clearly about your products or services to potential customers.

Gather recommendations and testimonials

If you already have valued customers, start to gather testimonials and recommendations. This can help new customers to see your products or services working well. Catch your audience’s attention with video testimonials from customers. Social media and Google provide places for customers to leave reviews, and you could perhaps provide an incentive.

Have a good online presence

If you have an easy-to-access website and a good social media presence, you’re likely to get more customers and clients seeing your business. Most businesses are online now more than ever with the ever-increasing digital age so it’s always good to regularly update content online.

Team up with another company when promoting

Another way to advertise your services or products is by teaming up with another company. This is known as ‘cross promotion’, when two or more companies combine forces to advertise a product or service. Each company helps promote the other’s product or service. You can save time and money with this strategy, which in turn allows you to focus on other aspects of your marketing campaign.

Keep the communication

Share regular blogs and newsletters for your customers to engage with and learn more about your business industry. Keep the communication with your customers by asking for their feedback on the purchases they made from your business. You can then analyse your ‘customer satisfaction’ and see if any changes or improvements need to be made to your services or products.

Analyse website traffic

Look at how many people are visiting your website by using analytics software such as Google Analytics. This can help keep track of which content is being engaged with the most and where the gaps are in your website.

Once you have a plan that works for your business, start to put those strategies into place. Soon enough, you’ll be sure to have many effective marketing campaigns.